Playland Amusement Park
Rye, New York
The Westchester County Parks Commission
purchased and razed Paradise Park and Rye Beach Park in 1927. The new
Playland Amusement Park opened just one year
later. The park's 280 acres included 7,900 feet of shoreline. Five of the rides still operating today were built before
1930! Operated by Marriott for two years in the 1980s, attendance
dropped because the property was fenced in and an admission fee was charged.
In 1983, the park returned to ungated operation under management of the Parks
Departments of the Westchester County Government. At least eight
coasters have left the park:
Airplane Coaster (1928-1957) was a wonderful wooden coaster built
by Fred Church. Also called Airplane Dips and Aero-coaster.
Hurricane (1995-2003) was removed to make room
for the flying coaster. (See pictures below)
Monster Coaster (1967-1984) was a Herschell Wild
Mouse. It now runs in Connecticut as Mad Mouse at Quassy
Amusement Park.
Whirlwind (1984-1992) was a Vekoma split corkscrew
model. It later ran as Whirlwind at Knoebels Park in Pennsylvania.
Wild Mouse (1950's-1960's) was a wooden Wild Mouse
Wild Wind was built in late 1999, but removed
before the 2000 season. It never opened to the public since g-forces were found
to be too strong during testing.
Wildcat (1984-1991) was a Schwarzkopf Wildcat
model. It also ran at Atlantic City's Steel Pier. In 2001 it
moved to Pennsylvania's Williams Grove.
Zyklon (1971-1983) was a Zyklon model from Pinfari.
Crazy Mouse
Dragon Coaster
Super Flight

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