About CoasterGallery.com
Frequently Asked
About JAR Productions
Privacy Policy
Copyright and Trademark Information
Photography Services
About JAR Productions
JAR Productions is a joint venture between Joel A. Rogers and Jeff A. Rogers.
"Joel's Roller Coaster Gallery" opened the summer of 1999. It was not started
in a serious effort to be a website, but was just a few vacation pictures
Joel took. But as Joel flew around the country taking pictures, the Gallery
expanded. In September 2000, it became "CoasterGallery.com."
Privacy Policy
We record your personal information (name or e-mail address) only when you
voluntarily offer it by sending email to CoasterGallery.com. We do not sell,
trade, rent, shout, whisper, or give any information you submit to us. Cookies are NOT currently used by
CoasterGallery.com. Our servers can log URLs and times of access to each
page of our site, the referring URL and the IP address or hostname of the
computer making the request. We use this information only to monitor the
volume of traffic to the site, except in cases where we suspect a user is
abusing the site's resources. In such cases, we will attempt to identify
the ISP of the user and let the provider know about the abuse. See
Google.com for their privacy policy for details about their Adsense and
Analytics services used on our roller coaster photography site.
Copyright and Trademark Information
CoasterGallery.com, CoasterGallery, and JAR Productions are registered or
pending trademarks of Joel Rogers. Park and coaster logos are trademarks
of their respective owners. No portion of this site may be copied or
redistributed in any form without the express written consent of Joel Rogers.
Action will be taken against people and websites who violate Copyright Law.
Coaster and park statistic may be used freely by anyone, as these are publicly
available facts (like street addresses). The presentation of the data, however,
is covered under our copyright. All site contents ©1999-2010, JAR
Productions, all rights reserved.
Photography Services
My coaster pictures have been used on book covers, shown in museums, and
displayed in calendars and magazines. If you would like to purchase a specific
picture for these or other uses, please contact
Joel@CoasterGallery.com for
information. Prices vary depending on size, use, and number of pictures.
If you are interested in purchasing a licence to use my photographs commercially,
I can provide you with negatives, high resolution image files, and more.
Obtaining a Property Release is required before commercial use of my
Joel Rogers is also available to take pictures at amusement parks. Although
he lives in the Central United States, his worldwide travels could bring
him to a park near you. If you would like to inquire about Joel taking pictures
of you, your park, your coaster, or anything else, contact please Joel at
Joel@CoasterGallery.com for
information. Joel is a commercial pilot and has extensive experience with
aerial photography if you are looking for a unique view!
JAR Productions. All
rights reserved.