
Now, I must deal with a little bit of controversy.  Most sources claim that RailBlazer has three inversions.  After the first drop, trains pass through a Dive Loop, a maneuver that clearly has the trains going upside down in a manner very similar to an Immelmann Loop.  This picture shows the train passing through the Corkscrew, another obvious inversion as trains roll a total of 360°.  But the Cutback element is open to debate as some people claim it is the coaster's third inversions.  The Cutback has trains roll to the right about 160° or 170°, then roll back to the left until they are level again.  Trains never roll through a complete 360° roll.  You can watch POV On-Ride Video here to judge the maneuver for yourself.

So, does this Cutback count as an inversion?  Is close enough to being totally upside-down to count as an inversion?  Or, does the train need complete a 360° roll?  Surely, a little more than 90° of bank shouldn't count as an inversion, because there are so many rides with over-banked turns.  Does coming close to a 180° bank count as an inversion?  I must admit that I am sure that I am over-analyzing this too much.  No matter how many inversions you think RailBlazer has, it is a fantastic ride.  It is a load of fun throughout, not just the times were the train goes upside-down, or at least comes really close to being totally upside-down.

How many inversions on this roller coaster?

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